Sunday, January 6, 2008

There Will Be Blood

This is the first film I have seen from a modern director (going back to say, the early nineties, around when Quentin Tarantino started) that you could put in the pantheon with the great movies of all time. That isn't to say that there haven't been great, amazing, masterpieces made during this time, anything but that. There have been many movies I have loved, most of my favorites of all time. What I am trying to say is this is a movie in a classic sense, something you could put on a double feature with any number of classics and not have a drop in quality. To try and make sense of this, you aren't going to put Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind and The Godfather together, There Will Be Blood would fit.

I don't want to say much more, this is just something you have to experience. Paul Thomas Anderson has easily become the best working director from his generation and Daniel Day Lewis is, as always, amazing. A monster that comes at you like a force of nature. Never stopping or regretting, he just moves forward never looking back. I could go on and on praising every aspect of this picture but that would become repetitive and probably not even begin to give the film its due respect.

NOTE: The picture above is from the best scene in any film from 2007.

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