Thursday, October 9, 2008

Last year I was a big fan of Joe Wright's Atonement due to an amazing 5 and-a-half-minutes minute tracking shot along France’s Dunkirk beach. While this is not the only reason I liked the movie it did go a long way in forming my opinion. Now there is a movie that is going to try and one up that film. Steve McQueen's (not that one) Hunger features a single, unbroken shot that lasts 17 and-a-half-minutes, which is reportedly a world record. While it doesn't sound to have the same level of choreography that the Atonement shot did I am still fascinated by it. The Times has the story of the scene in question as well as some behind the scene details for how the actors prepared for such a long take.

NOTE: I tried to post the shot from Atonement here but couldn't find a video anywhere on the internet. Instead, here is a sock puppet retelling of the entire film.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I wish we could have watched this rather than the movie. This is really, really funny. Are there more of these?

come back to me!