Thursday, October 30, 2008

Samuel L. Jackson continues his pursuit to become the most overexposed actor in Hollywood and the one with the most questionable taste.

He is set to star as the bad guy in the remake of Berry Gordy's 1985 cult classic The Last Dragon. Jackson will play Sho'nuff, the Shogun of Harlem, a role played in the original by the late Julius Carry.

The updated plot will be along the same lines of the original, centering on young martial arts student Leroy Green in his quest through the streets of New York to achieve the highest level of martial arts accomplishment, known as the Last Dragon. Those who achieve the high ranking possess the Glow, making them the greatest fighter alive.

Seriously, what was the last great movie that Sam Jackson starred in? You can't count Iron Man because that was a one scene cameo hidden after the end credits. Okay, I just checked IMDb and you don't actually have to go back that far. He was in the great 2006 film Black Snake Moan, which I love. Before that you have Revenge of the Sith and only Unbreakable in 2000 as his quality film. Three films this decade that I would rate as good.

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